The Journey of a Family of Four
in Southeast Asia
We believe God’s Global Mandate for the church is to see all unreached people groups of the world come to Christ!
Our passion and calling is to serve the unreached peoples of Northeast Thailand!
This website will be a means to communicate and share how God is moving in this region and how our family is being used to advance His Kingdom!
“I’ll set you up as light to all nations. You’ll proclaim salvation to the four winds and seven seas.” (Acts 13:47MSG). This is the command given to the Apostle Paul by the Lord, and as a result Paul went on to make disciples and plant Churches all over the world. We too, like Paul, are called to do the same! I was hit with the urgency of this reality when I heard about a young couple with small children that moved as missionaries to a completely unreached country in Africa. Everyone told them they shouldn’t move to this country, that it would be too dangerous. The couple decided to obey God and not man, and as result they led the first person from this people group to Christ, and this new believer became the leader of a disciple making movement amongst his own people.
After years of fruitful ministry from this man, a short-term team that I was a part of visited this incredible man to learn from him. At the end of this meeting, my missions team leader asked this man if he had any questions for us. The man was hesitant to respond, but eventually mustered up the courage to ask the most impactful question that I have ever heard.
He said, “I just have one question…Why...Why did it take so long for your people, to come to my people, to tell us about Jesus?” You see this man had a father, grandfather, great-grandfather that had died and never heard about the Good News of Jesus Christ!
This is why we are passionate to go!
I grew up listening to the stories that my dad would share about his time in the Amazon forest as he spent years with an unreached Brazilian Indian tribe. My dad left everything at a young age to serve the Lord by being the first white man to enter that specific tribe. You see, it was through my dad’s obedience and sacrifice which allowed that specific tribe have access to Christ. Little did I know the Lord would call me to Missions later on in life, I ended up meeting Jake and my passion just grew as I would listen to the stories he shared of how the world needs to know Jesus. I remember him asking me if I would be willing to go anywhere God called us and my answer was simply: YES! It may have sounded as my answer was to only him, but my first answer was really to the Lord. A few years ago, Jake and I led a team to South Asia, there we had the privilege to meet this girl who had been dishonored by her parents, beaten and kicked out of her parents home because she had become a believer. I was humbled by this experience so much because she had chosen Jesus over everything she knew/had. A new church plant led her to Christ, they were caring for her and they had become her new family.
I have a burning desire in my heart to make Jesus name known, there is a reason why the Lord has given me the privilege to grow up in a home where He is the King and I must share that hope with others.
“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? 15 And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?” Romans 10:14-15MSG

Our story with Thailand started over years ago when Jake spent one year living there, he got to serve so many people, make friends for life and learn some Thai! Jake fell in love with the Thai people and Thai food!! Jake’s desire has always been to go back to Thailand, but he waited years for a door to be opened. When Jake and Mimi led a team a few years back, there was no doubt that Mimi fell in love with Thailand as much as Jake had.
Fast forward a few years and a few short term trips later, we got to take our family of 4 to Thailand, we asked the Lord to really show up in mighty ways and confirm if it was time to pursue this burning call in our hearts for Thailand!
In fact, He did showed up in amazing ways, not only did our kids fall in love with this beautiful country, but shortly after arriving back from this trip the Lord started to open doors for us to GO long term!
Here are a few snapshots from past trips to The Land of Smiles: